Saturday, May 10, 2008

So much missing

As I think about what I have posted here to date, I can't help but feel like there is SO much missing. This being the case, I’ve decided to list some of my important food experiences, and perhaps at some later date I will come back to elaborate.

There's Jeff's mouth-watering turducken at Thanksgiving, and exciting delicacies enjoyed at their restaurant- the breaded oysters, tongue salad, escargots and more.

There are the exotic and strange tastes that have met my palette- Tete de veau in France, while I was on exchange, all parts of the cow, at Korean barbeque in Baltimore.

There are my cheesemaking adventures in my kitchen during senior year, experimenting with all kinds, and perhaps most exciting- waxing and aging my own hard cheeses.

There was the experience working on the farm in France, eating salad de pied from a calf I had seen not long before; milking the goats by hand, and enjoying the delicious cheese that resulted; learning how to kill and clean a rabbit- most delicious; plucking and preparing chickens; and perhaps most powerful and interesting butchering pigs, and learning how to process all that 200 kilos of meat.

In this past year there were the countless potlucks and my acquired love for squash, brussel sprouts and all things with garlic. The duck breast I bought on special. My meeting Travis, who is leaving McGill for culinary school, and w/whom I shared many a delicacy, many a conversation through our shared passion for food.

There were also restaurants this year:
There was O noir, the restaurant where the wait staff is all 50-100% blind and you eat in the pitch black and you can order a surprise menu; there was the classy French bistro L’Express with the rich chicken liver pistachio mouse, where we stayed well into the night; and there was Au-Pied-de-Cochon, with poutine a la fois gras and duck in a can!-perhaps the most fat I have ever consumed in one sitting- I’m sure if you had taken a blood sample from me after that meal and put it in the fridge, there would be a significant layer of congealed lard on top!

I think it is really through Travis that I have come to understand how much I get excited about food, and I’m hugely grateful for his friendship over the past year. Had I never known him, I don’t know if I would now be reading a book called The Shameless Carnivore, I’m sure a critique/review/sampling will follow soon.

Anyways, I feel a little more at peace with my blog, now that some of my culinary credentials have been laid down. Hopefully more good eats ahead- it’s more or less a sure thing as before too long I’ll be heading down to Baltimore where my sister and her husband will no doubt give me a sampling of the current menu, and Jeff, my brother in law, will certainly point me in the direction of some of Baltimore’s best!

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